Posts Categorized in Working at Redgate

Redgate creates ingeniously simple software to help data professionals get the most value out of any database, anywhere, through the provision of end-to-end Database DevOps. We help over 800,000 people in every kind of industry across the world, from small and medium sized businesses to 92% of companies in the Fortune 100.

Doerte Letzmann

15 August 2017

Doerte Letzmann

15 August 2017

Down Tools Week 2017

Once a year, we hold Down Tools Week at Redgate’s Cambridge headquarters. It’s our version of a hack week – a chance to put down the day job and spend a week working on something completely different. It’s an opportunity for our developers, designers and even marketers to work on ideas that interest and inspire... Read more

A day in the life of … a Product Support Engineer

When someone buys software from Redgate, it’s often not the end of the story. It can be the beginning of a journey because support is frequently part of the package. There’s good reason for that too because while we pride ourselves on developing software that’s ingeniously simple to use, that simplicity is deceptive. We... Read more

Chris Smith

23 February 2017

Chris Smith

23 February 2017

A glimpse into the culture of our software development teams

When anyone visits Redgate HQ in Cambridge and takes a tour of the software development teams, their reaction is invariably the same. They’re surprised at the dress code (we don’t have one), they’re mystified by the walls plastered with Post-it notes, and they’re intrigued by the giant bean bags and cake everywhere. That’s the... Read more

Allison Marshall

19 January 2017

Allison Marshall

19 January 2017

How I landed a UX gig at Redgate

I moved to Cambridge UK in the summer of 2015. A bit of an Anglophile, it’s lived up to all expectations every Jane Austen book gave me of England. A hop, skip, and a jump away from London — it’s everything you need in a city, with its beautiful colleges and the River Cam as the... Read more

Mark Cheverton

5 September 2016

Mark Cheverton

5 September 2016

Time to down tools and pick up some new ideas

At Redgate, we spend a lot of time developing ingeniously simple solutions to very complicated problems, typically those faced by database developers. It’s hard work but it’s rewarding work too and our software is in use by many of the world’s biggest companies (and a lot of smaller ones too). Down tools Every now... Read more