Product articles Redgate Flyway

Complex Production Database Deployments and Flyway

This article explains how, by use of schemas and stub interfaces, we can use Flyway to manage the main development work smoothly alongside any changes or additions required to maintain production-only code. It also demonstrates how this mechanism enables Flyway to manage a 'mock' or 'dummy' variant of a production schema, in development, so that the team can still develop and test code that, when deployed, will access production-only features. Read more

Undoing Actions on Groups of Database Tables

During development you'll occasionally need an undo script that drops a group of tables, or you might need to truncate a group of tables and then insert fresh data in order to run some tests. Unless you perform the required actions in the correct dependency order, you'll be tripped up by foreign key constraint violations. This article provides a SQL function that returns the list of tables in the correct dependency order. Read more

A Version Control Strategy for Database DevOps

Our goal was to transform a 'serial' and manual development and release process into one that supported parallel development work and automated releases. This article explains step one: migrating our monolithic, centralized repos to Git, then implementing a Release Flow branching strategy for parallel development work streams, and a Pull Request workflow to control an automated build and release process. Read more