Product articles SQL Code Snippets

Building reusable table build scripts using SQL Prompt

You need a fast, general-purpose way to save the results of a query or batch or procedure into any sort of worktable, such as a temporary table or a table variable or table valued parameter. A simple SELECT…INTO isn't versatile enough for these requirements, and the alternative ways to handcraft the list of columns are slow and error prone. Phil Factor shows how to create a 'table-build generator' that will do all this, and save you a lot of time, especially if you use a lot of working tables in your code. Read more

Quick SQL Prompt tip – using the ii snippet

SQL Prompt includes a number of snippets by default that can help you quickly write T-SQL code. These are templates of code that users use regularly. One of the more popular snippets is the “ii” snippet that helps with inserting data into a table. If I type “ii” and hit tab, I quickly get the Read more

Quick extended properties with SQL Prompt

I’ve been experimenting with Extended Properties, and I found myself slightly annoyed by the syntax of adding and updating Extended Properties. I decided to take advantage of SQL Prompt to store the commonly used code for adding and updating properties. Adding Properties I’m a big fan of naming the snippets the first thing that comes to mind. Read more