Product articles PostgreSQL

  • How to

Managing PostgreSQL Extensions Using Flyway

Any reliable DevOps deployment process must not only deliver the right database code but also ensure that the correct conditions exist for the deployment to succeed. For PostgreSQL databases, this includes ensuring that any extensions on which the database code relies are installed, and at the correct version. Fortunately, Flyway will automatically track which extensions are installed on a database and at what version, so we can 'propagate' these changes accurately during deployments and avoid inconsistencies in database behavior and even application breakages. Read more

Running Flyway Pre-Migration Checks on the Database

This article demonstrates how to run a preliminary check that issues a warning, or throws an error, if the conditions aren't met for a Flyway migration to succeed. It provides some example checks for PostgreSQL databases that use Flyway SQL callbacks to ensure the server is running the correct PostgreSQL version, or that the database has a required extension installed. Read more

Six Things to Monitor with PostgreSQL

This article describes six performance metrics that ought to be central to your PostgreSQL monitoring strategy. By using a tool like Redgate Monitor to track these metrics over time, and establish baselines for them, you'll be able to spot resource pressure or performance issues immediately, quickly diagnose the cause, and prevent them becoming problems that affect users. Read more