Fixing the “Content Processing Pipeline Failed to Process the Item" and "Cannot Load Wordbreaker for en or the Fall Back" Errors in SharePoint Search

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I was attempting to search for something in my development SharePoint farm and couldn’t find it.  So I ran the crawler and attempted again.  Still couldn’t find it.  After poking around, I saw in the error logs that I had 5000+ errors during the search crawl, most of which said something about “the content processing pipeline failed to process the item” and “cannot load wordbreaker for en or the fall back”.  I was somewhat confused what the heck had happened since search was working fine a few days ago. 

There were some suggestions pointing to a problem of allow multiple values on a managed property when multiple values are really not supported, but that was not the issue in my environment.  I remembered that a few days before I had changed the default zone of my web application to use HTTPS instead of HTTP.  When I went into the list of site collections to crawl, the site was listed with HTTP.  I switched it over to HTTPs and the issue was resolved.

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About the author

Damon Armstrong

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Damon Armstrong is a consultant with SystemwarePS in Dallas, Texas. He is also a blogger and author of Pro ASP.NET 2.0 Website Programming and SharePoint 2013 Essentials for Developers. He specializes in the Microsoft stack with a focus on web technologies like MVC, ASP.NET, JavaScript, and SharePoint. When not staying up all night coding, he can be found watching a bunch of kids, studying Biblical topics, playing golf, or recovering from staying up all night coding.