UPDATE: Congrats to Conan who won this caption competition with: “Darling, now that you’re working from home, you can just wear pajamas like everyone else.”
Thanks to everyone who participated!
Finding himself interrupted during work on his laptop, this old-timey gentleman and lady exchange a word. But what was said? That’s what we want to know! Caption this picture for us and win fabulous wealth!
Prize for the best caption is a $50 Amazon voucher.
To get you started, we’ve come up with a couple of captions ourselves, but we’re sure you can do much better. There’s no limit to how many captions you can submit, so get creative and comment early and often.
“It may be the wrong diagnosis of her bowel troubles, but it will cheer up the NSA to read it.”
“No darling, a million row table doesn’t mean you’re a Big Data analyst.”
“I know you want the database to go faster, but taking out the clustered indexes isn’t the solution.”
“I’ve got to go, you enjoy your night revoking developers’ access.”
“It’s clever, dear, but I don’t think the patient needed a SQL Injection.”
“The Islets of Langerhans? I wanted a cure, not a package holiday in the sun!”
“Would tablets do me any good, doctor? You know I’m more of a laptop person.”
Leave your suggestions in the comments below. The competition closes at midnight (BST) on Friday 2nd of May.
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