Why Every Project Needs a CI/CD Pipeline No Matter How Small

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Have you ever experienced a scenario as a developer when a seemingly simple weekend bug fix throws your entire project into disarray? You push the changes, excited to resolve the issue, only to be met with a cascade of errors and a frustrated team come Monday morning.

This scenario, unfortunately, is a common problem for projects that rely on manual deployments. But there’s a way to automate these processes, ensuring smoother releases, fewer errors, and a more efficient development workflow. The hack is it to use CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous delivery) pipelines to solve this problem and achieve the desired outcome.

CI/CD is a DevOps practice that automates the software development lifecycle. It streamlines the process from code commit to deployment, enabling faster releases and improved software quality.

Many developers, however, mistakenly believe that CI/CD is only relevant for large, enterprise-level projects. But here’s the truth: every project, regardless of size, can reap significant benefits from implementing a CI/CD pipeline. Even a simple CI/CD pipeline with basic automation can significantly improve the development process for small projects.

In this article, we’ll discuss why CI/CD is essential for small projects, even the most basic ones. We’ll cover the advantages it offers, from reduced manual work to improved collaboration, and guide you through the steps of getting started with a CI/CD pipeline for your small project.

CI/CD Defined

In this section I will cover discuss introduce the primary terms of CI/CD.

Continuous Integration (CI)

Continuous Integration is the practice of frequently merging code changes from developers into a central repository. It typically involves automated builds and tests that are triggered after each commit.

This process allows for early detection of integration issues and potential bugs, ideally with automated testing as part of the processes.

Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CD)

With continuous delivery, code changes that pass all automated checks are automatically deployed to a staging environment for final testing and approval. Once approved, the changes can be easily pushed to production with minimal manual intervention.

Continuous deployment takes automation a step further. Here, any code changes that pass all automated checks are automatically deployed to production without a manual approval stage. This approach is ideal for projects with robust testing suites and a well-established development workflow. However, it requires a high level of confidence in your automated checks and a strong rollback strategy in case of unexpected issues.

Why Every Project Deserves CI/CD?

While large projects can benefit significantly from complex CI/CD pipelines with numerous automated checks and deployments, its core advantages translate beautifully to smaller projects.

Let’s cover some key reasons why even a basic CI/CD implementation can be a game-changer for your small project:

  1. Reduced Manual Work
    Deploying code manually can be a tedious and error-prone process. CI/CD automates repetitive tasks like building, testing, and deployment, freeing up your valuable time for innovation and feature development. Imagine the time saved by not having to manually run tests or configure environments every time you push a code change.
  2. Early Bug Detection
    Catching bugs early is crucial for maintaining a high-quality codebase. CI/CD pipelines typically integrate automated testing tools that run tests on your code after every commit. This allows you to identify and fix bugs early in the development cycle before they become bigger problems later.
  3. Consistent Quality
    Maintaining consistent code quality can be challenging, especially in small teams. CI/CD pipelines can enforce code quality standards through automated checks. These checks can include code linters that identify stylistic inconsistencies and static code analysis tools that detect potential bugs and security vulnerabilities.
  4. Improved Collaboration
    CI/CD pipelines promote smoother team workflows and faster feedback loops. By automating builds and tests, developers can quickly see the impact of their changes and collaborate more effectively. Additionally, automated notifications within the CI/CD pipeline can keep everyone informed about the status of deployments and potential issues.
  5. Scalability and Maintainability
    Even small projects can evolve. Implementing a CI/CD pipeline from the beginning sets a strong foundation for future growth. A well-defined automated process makes it easier to integrate new features, manage code changes, and scale the project as needed.

Real-Life Scenario

Let me share a personal anecdote that highlights the power of CI/CD for small projects. I once worked on a small web application with a team of three developers. We initially relied on manual deployments, which were manageable at first. However, as we added features, the deployment process became increasingly time-consuming and prone to errors.

One day, a developer accidentally introduced a breaking change during a fix. Since we didn’t have automated testing, the issue wasn’t discovered until Monday morning, causing significant downtime and frustration. This experience prompted us to implement a simple CI/CD pipeline with automated builds and tests. This not only saved us time but also prevented similar incidents from happening again.

Getting Started with CI/CD for Small Projects

The beauty of CI/CD for small projects lies in its accessibility. Here’s how you can get started without worrying about complex infrastructure:

Cloud-Based Solutions

Gone are the days of needing dedicated servers to run CI/CD pipelines. Numerous user-friendly, free, or affordable cloud-based platforms offer robust CI/CD features. A few popular options include GitLab CI/CD, GitHub Actions, and Travis CI.

These platforms integrate seamlessly with your existing Git repositories and provide a web interface for configuring and managing your pipeline.

Simple Pipelines

Don’t try to build a complex pipeline from the start. Begin with basic steps that address your current needs. A typical starting point could involve:

  1. Building – Automating the process of building your code into a deployable artifact (e.g., an executable file or a packaged web application).
  2. Testing: – Integrating automated testing frameworks to run unit tests, integration tests, or other relevant tests on your codebase.
  3. Deployment: – Deploying the build artifact to a staging environment for testing before pushing it to production.

Gradual Integration

As your project grows and your needs evolve, you can gradually add more complexity to your CI/CD pipeline. This could involve introducing features like code coverage analysis, security scanning, or performance testing.

Key Considerations when Getting Started with CI/CD for Small Projects

Version Control System (VCS) – A central version control system (VCS) like Git is essential for CI/CD pipelines. It allows you to track code changes, collaborate effectively, and trigger pipeline executions based on commits and pushes. Consider setting up a Git repository for your project if you haven’t already.

Build and Test Automation – Automating build and test processes is fundamental to CI/CD. Many languages and frameworks offer tools for build automation, such as Maven or Gradle for Java projects, or npm for JavaScript projects. Similarly, choose a testing framework like JUnit for Java or Jest for JavaScript to automate your tests.

Deployment Strategies – CI/CD pipelines can facilitate various deployment strategies. For small projects, a manual deployment to a staging environment for final testing before pushing to production might be sufficient. As your project matures, you can explore continuous delivery, where approved changes are automatically deployed to production.

Example of a Basic CI/CD Pipeline

Let’s take a look at a basic CI/CD pipeline configuration for a small project using YAML syntax, commonly used in platforms like GitLab CI/CD:

This is a very simple example, but it demonstrates the core structure of a CI/CD pipeline. Each stage defines a step in the process, and the script section specifies the commands to be executed in that stage. Let’s dive into a more detailed explanation for the example shown above.

Stages in the Pipeline

  1. Build Stage – This is where the code is compiled and built into an artifact.
  2. Test Stage – Automated tests are run to ensure the code works as expected.
  3. Deploy Stage – The built artifact is deployed to a staging environment for final testing before production.


The pipeline starts with the build stage, where the source code is compiled and built into a deployable artifact, such as a WAR file for a Java application.

  • Example Command:


  • Success: The artifact is successfully built, and the pipeline proceeds to the next stage.
  • Failure: The pipeline stops, and a failure report is generated. Developers receive a notification detailing the error (e.g., syntax errors, missing dependencies) with build logs for debugging.


In the test stage, various automated tests are executed on the newly built code to verify its correctness.

Types of Tests

  • Unit Tests – These tests check individual components of the application to ensure they work as intended.
  • Integration Tests – These tests verify that different parts of the application interact correctly.
  • Static Code Analysis – Tools like SonarQube are used to check for code quality issues and potential vulnerabilities.

Example Commands

  • mvn test for running unit tests.
  • mvn verify for running integration tests.


  • Success – All tests pass, and the pipeline proceeds to the deployment stage.
  • Failure – The pipeline stops, and a failure report is generated. Detailed test reports highlight which tests failed and why, allowing developers to quickly identify and fix bugs.


In the deploy stage, the built artifact is deployed to a staging environment for final testing. The artifact is copied to the staging server, where it is deployed and run in an environment that mimics production.

Example Command


  • Success – The application is successfully deployed to the staging environment, allowing for final testing and approval before production.
  • Failure – The pipeline stops, and a failure report is generated. Deployment logs help identify what went wrong (e.g., configuration issues, network problems), and developers are notified to address the problem.


A robust CI/CD pipeline is designed to catch and handle failures at various stages effectively. Here’s is how failures are managed at each stage:

Build Failure

  • Detection – During the build stage, the pipeline compiles the code into a deployable artifact. If there are syntax errors, missing dependencies, or any other issues preventing the code from compiling, the build will fail.
  • Notification – The CI/CD system immediately notifies the development team through integrated communication tools like Slack, email, or the CI/CD platform’s own notification system. This notification includes detailed logs highlighting the error.
  • Resolution – Developers review the build logs to understand the nature of the failure. Common issues might include missing libraries, incorrect configurations, or code that doesn’t meet the language’s syntax rules. Once identified, developers fix the issues and push the changes back to the repository, triggering a new build.
  • Example: Suppose a developer forgets to include a required library in the pom.xml file for a Maven-based Java project. The build process will fail, and the logs will indicate the missing dependency. The developer adds the missing library, commits the change, and the pipeline is retriggered.

Test Failure

  1. Detection – During the test stage, the pipeline runs various automated tests, such as unit tests, integration tests, and static code analysis. If any test fails, it indicates that the code does not meet the expected functionality or quality standards.
  2. Notification – Similar to build failures, the CI/CD system notifies the development team of any test failures. The notification includes detailed test reports showing which tests failed and the reasons for the failures.
  3. Resolution – Developers examine the test reports to pinpoint the cause of the failure. This might involve reviewing the test code, the application code, or both. Once the issue is fixed, the changes are committed, and the pipeline runs again.
  4. Example: Imagine a unit test fails because a function returns an incorrect value. The test report shows that the expected output was 42, but the function returned 0. The developer investigates the function, fixes the logic error, and commits the changes, triggering a new round of tests

Deployment Failure

  1. Detection – In the deploy stage, the built artifact is deployed to a staging environment. Deployment failures can occur due to configuration errors, network issues, or problems with the staging environment itself.
  2. Notification – The CI/CD system alerts the team about deployment failures, providing logs that detail the issues encountered during the deployment process.
  3. Resolution – Developers and operations teams collaborate to diagnose and fix the deployment issues. This might involve adjusting configuration files, ensuring network connectivity, or fixing bugs in deployment scripts. Once resolved, the deployment process is retried.

Example: Suppose the deployment script fails because the target directory on the staging server does not exist. The deployment logs will show a “directory not found” error. The operations team creates the missing directory, updates the deployment script if necessary, and retries the deployment.

Outcome of the CI/CD Pipeline

By automating the build, test, and deploy processes, the CI/CD pipeline ensures that code changes are continuously integrated, thoroughly tested, and reliably deployed. This setup not only saves time but also improves the overall quality of the software by catching issues early and facilitating smoother releases.

Scaling Your CI/CD Pipeline

As your small project evolves and incorporates more features, you can enhance your CI/CD pipeline to accommodate new functionalities and maintain high-quality releases.

Advanced Features

As you start to advance in creating your CI/CD pipelines, there are additional capabilities you will want to add to give you deeper capabilities.

Code Coverage Analysis – Tools like SonarQube or Codecov can analyze your codebase and provide insights into the percentage of code covered by automated tests. This helps identify areas where testing might be lacking and ensures a more comprehensive safety net for your code.

Security Scanning – Integrating security scanning tools into your CI/CD pipeline can help detect potential vulnerabilities in your code early on. Tools like Snyk or OWASP ZAP can scan your code for security weaknesses and alert you to any potential risks.

Performance Testing – Performance testing tools like JMeter or LoadRunner can be used to assess the performance of your application under load. Integrating these tools within your CI/CD pipeline allows you to proactively identify performance bottlenecks and ensure your application remains responsive even under heavy usage.

More Real-Life Scenarios of why implementing CI/CD Pipeline is beneficial even for smaller projects

Speeding Up Development Cycles for Small Projects – Imagine a small team of three developers working on a new web application. Initially reliant on manual deployments, the process becomes tedious and time-consuming as features are added. Introducing a basic CI/CD pipeline with automated builds and tests will not only save them valuable time but will also allow them to iterate on features more quickly. With faster feedback loops and automated checks, the team will be able to release new functionalities at a much faster pace.

Catching Bugs Early with Automated Testing – A small startup building a mobile app initially relied on manual testing. This approach leads to several bugs slipping through the cracks and causing frustration for users. Implementing a CI/CD pipeline with automated unit tests will identify these bugs early on, allowing the developers to fix them before the app was released. This saves the startup valuable time and resources and ensured a more polished user experience.

Streamlining Collaboration Among Small Teams – A small design agency managing a client website project initially struggling with communication gaps between the development and design teams. Implementing a CI/CD pipeline with automated deployments to a staging environment will allow designers to quickly preview changes and provide feedback to developers. This streamlined communication will ensure everyone works towards the same goal more efficiently.

Mitigating Deployment Risks with Automated Pipelines – A small e-commerce business faced frequent downtime due to errors during manual deployments. Implementing a CI/CD pipeline with automated deployments to a staging environment for testing will allow them to identify and fix issues before impacting the live website. This will significantly reduce downtime and ensure a more reliable user experience.

Scaling Up Small Projects Without Increasing Manual Effort – A small SaaS startup initially developed its product with minimal automation. As the user base grows, manual tasks like deployments become a bottleneck. Implementing a CI/CD pipeline will allow them to automate these tasks, scale up their development process efficiently, and accommodate their growing user base without significantly increasing manual workload.


CI/CD pipelines are not just for large enterprises. Every project, regardless of size, can benefit from the automation, efficiency, and improved quality that CI/CD brings to the development lifecycle.

Implement CI/CD and empower your small project for greater efficiency, faster releases, and a higher level of software quality. For further information and resources, explore the documentation of popular CI/CD platforms like GitLab or GitHub.

Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions about implementing CI/CD for your project.

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About the author

Bravin Wasike

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Bravin is a creative DevOps engineer and Technical Writer. He loves writing about software development. He has experience with Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Jenkins, Terraform, CI/CD, and other DevOps tools. Bravin has written many articles on DevOps tools such as Kubernetes, Docker, Jenkins, Azure DevOps, Aws, CI/CD, Terraform, Ansible, Infrastructure as code, Infrastructure Provisioning, Monitoring and Configuration, Git, Source code management and Azure.