Clear Desk and Clear Screen Policy
A Clear Desk and Clear Screen Policy is an important tool for ensuring that all Restricted (see Information Classification Policy (internal document - link removed)) information is removed from end user workspaces and locked away when the items are not in use, or an employee leaves their workstation.
This Policy applies to all Redgaters and affiliates working with Redgate information.
Redgaters are required to ensure that all Restricted information in hardcopy or electronic form is kept secure at all times. Practically speaking, this means that:
- Laptops must be locked when left unattended by the owner.
- Laptops must not be left unsecured and unattended where it could be accessed by a member of the public.
- Any Restricted information must be removed from the desk and either secured in a locker or taken with you when a desk is left unattended.
- Filing cabinets containing Restricted information must be kept closed and locked when not in use or when not attended (and the key removed and not left unattended).
- Passwords must not be written down.
- Physical information classified as Restricted or Internal must be disposed of in a locked confidential waste bin.
- Whiteboards containing Restricted information must be erased at the end of the session.
- All printers should be cleared of papers as soon as they are printed. Any material found on the printers must be disposed of in the confidential waste bins.
Policy Compliance
Use of Redgate owned technology and systems and handling of information must be in keeping with our Information Security-related Policies. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.