Robert Chipperfield Introduction to Continuous Integration Servers So you've got your database under source control, and now you want to start running automatic tests and builds with it. Welcome to the world... 19 June 2014 14 min read
Joseph Moody Managing Printers with Group Policy, PowerShell, and Print Management Just because it is possible to do many configuration jobs 'click by bleeding click', doesn't mean that it is a good idea. It is better... 24 April 2014 10 min read
Joseph Moody Group Policy and WMI, A Wonderful Combination If you're faced with having to deploy software to those PCs that are, say, from a particular manufacturer, are laptops with Windows 7, or almost... 25 July 2013 9 min read
Joseph Moody More Advanced Deployments with Group Policy Software Installation Group Policy Software Installation (GPSI) allows for a high level of control on what can be installed where on a group of computers based on... 09 May 2013 9 min read
Joseph Moody Eliminating Viruses with UAC and AppLocker It is important to prevent computer viruses from infecting a network within an organisation; Joseph Moody walks us through the setup and management of User... 23 April 2013 10 min read
Buck Woody Distributed Computing – Hybrid Systems Considerations When the Cloud was new, it was often presented as an 'all or nothing' solution. Nowadays, the canny Systems Architect will exploit the best advantages... 11 July 2012 16 min read
Buck Woody The ASs of Distributed Computing What's The 'Cloud'? nothing more than one or more of three different types of distributed service, conceptually similar to any other service such as telephone... 27 February 2012 16 min read
Wesley David How to Kill a Company in One Step or Save it in Three The majority of companies that suffer a major data loss subsequently go out of business. Wesley David remembers vividly the day when the organisation he... 07 February 2012 14 min read
Matt Simmons Physical Network Layout for the Reluctant How do you select the hardware for your network, and connect it all together? How do you then test your network and ensure that it... 13 December 2011 50 min read
Matt Simmons Logical Network Layout for Small Networks Matt examines what it's like to design a network from the ground up, as well as dealing with an existing network that has been undocumented,... 28 November 2011 30 min read
Matt Simmons Networking – The Crib Sheet When anyone mentions network masks and the 'seven layer model' we all nod wisely and hope not to be asked too many questions. No longer... 15 November 2011 14 min read
General Wesley David in General High Availability or High Recoverability? Having pierced the veil of confusion surrounding High Availability, Wesley David finds himself asked (and being asked) whether HA is worth the money it burns... 01 August 2011 20 min read
Brien Posey Network Administrators Past, Present, and Future Even in the short time that PCs have been signficantly networked, what it means to be a SysAdmin has changed dramatically. From the first LAN... 11 July 2011 10 min read
David Njoku Readying your Oracle Database for Your First Apex Application APEX can be a great way to create an application rapidly on an Oracle Database. Although it is generally straightforward, there are just a couple... 14 June 2011 9 min read
Peter Raganitsch Multi-Language database applications using Oracle Apex It isn't straightforward to design a database application that has to provide text data in several languages. There are several problems to overcome such as,... 03 June 2011 12 min read
Wesley David Be the Puppet Master! Control Multiple PCs with one Keyboard and Mouse In the average IT department, geek-credibility is bound up with the number of monitors you are simultaneously using. What about going one step further, and... 20 May 2011 10 min read
Wesley David Game-over! Gaining Physical access to a computer Security requires defense in depth. The cleverest intrusion detection system, combined with the best antivirus, won't help you if a malicious person can gain physical... 15 March 2011 11 min read
Wesley David 7 Things that High Availability is Not Wesley has heard High Availablity touted as all sorts of technological cure-all for busy SysAdmins and DBAs, and now he's taking a stand against it.... 13 January 2011 8 min read
Dr. Masha Petrova 5 Steps to Making Your Boss Read Your Technical Reports As an IT professional, you probably find it hard to communicate effectively with your less-than-technically-adept manager. Dr. Masha Petrova is determined to help you get... 18 November 2010 10 min read
Johan Veldhuis Monitoring Mailbox Moves Mailboxes moves happen all the time, and given how precious the data in mailboxes can be, you should know exactly how to monitor their progress... 17 November 2010 13 min read