Monitor your PostgreSQL databases for optimal performance

Redgate Monitor helps you boost performance of your PostgreSQL databases and proactively avoid common issues with instant alerting, a comprehensive set of performance metrics, statistics, and built-in advice. 

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Detect issues faster – or avoid them altogether

With Redgate Monitor you stay on top of all essential PostgreSQL performance metrics. Get both current and historic data of what is happening on your servers to quickly drill down into the root cause of problems. Proactively identify issues that could negatively impact your business and keep both internal and external customers happy. 

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“SQL Monitor lets us quickly know what the exact problem is so we can jump on it and fix it before the customer even notices.” Nick Percy
Senior DBA, Claranet

Single-Pane-of-Glass Experience

Get an at-a-glance view across your entire database environment. With Redgate Monitor, you can manage PostgreSQL instances right alongside SQL Server instances from the same interface.  

Keep pace with growing estates

A unified view of your entire database estate

For metrics that are universal across database types, you’ll see them presented using standardized visualizations and logic. Enabling you to seamlessly support different environments without having to learn different systems or switching between applications.

Without compromising on granularity

Don’t miss out on PostgreSQL problems with in-depth diagnostics to help with query tuning and performance issues. Whether it’s vacuuming, identifying expensive queries, database growth, connection limits, and more, Redgate Monitor has you covered. 

Identify problematic or slow queries

Redgate Monitor automatically tracks query performance statistics so you can quickly and easily identify issues and get actionable insights on the root causes. 

  • Pinpoint your most expensive queries based on characteristics such as execution count, average duration, or IO time. Investigate the trend in the performance of a query over time.
  • Rapidly understand why queries are slow: Graphically visualize query plans, including details on expensive operations, statistics such as the number of blocks (pages) accessed, and the difference between planned vs actual rows.

Avoid resource bottlenecks 

Bottlenecks aren’t always obvious. Redgate Monitor helps you make informed decisions. 

  • Effectively manage resource bottlenecks with intuitive graphical representations of how connections, memory, and server load interact. Get baseline data for context of whether your connection load is typical during a pre-defined time frame.
  • Avoid memory constraint issues using the Cache Hit Ratio visualization graph. Observe when Cache Hit Ratio is unusually low or has consistent dips that correlate with high usage and poor performance.

Ensure vacuum maintenance is running smoothly

Improper vacuum maintenance is a risk to your PostgreSQL database performance and can even lead to catastrophic forced shutdown in extreme situations. With Redgate Monitor you’re able to spot signs of unhealthy vacuum performance and reveal areas of configuration improvements. 

  • Keep table bloat in check and avoid unnecessary disk usage growth with an instant view of vacuum settings and table size metrics.
  • Proactively avoid transaction ID exhaustion by getting alerted when the transaction ID usage breaches a specific threshold and by visualizing the current percentage level of transaction ID usage within your databases.

Get started today

Learn more about Redgate Monitor, or reach out to a member of our Sales team to discuss how Redgate can help enable your business growth.

Redgate Monitor supports PosgreSQL V10+, on:

  • Linux (including high availability clusters using physical replication)
  • Amazon RDS
  • Amazon Aurora

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Top rated and trusted for database monitoring

Why do customers love Redgate Monitor?

Works for the entire team

Whether you’re an experienced database professional, just starting your career or need to take care of databases on the side, Redgate Monitor gets you up and running quickly without sacrificing the depth of the diagnostic insights you need.

Scales with server estate size and needs

Redgate Monitor is built to scale with the ever-increasing growth in server estates and the complexity of how data is hosted. Once you start using Redgate Monitor, it will grow with your data and your needs.

Helps move beyond firefighting

Instead of just tracking issues, Redgate Monitor allows you to spot potential problems early, while you have time to plan the best response, rather than firefighting alerts as they occur.

Breaks down siloes

Integration with deployment tools such as Redgate Flyway and the ability to provide developers access to the diagnostic data helps jointly understand the impact of deployments (e.g. on CPU) and improves collaboration between developers and DBAs.

Powered by the database software experts

We’ve specialized in database software for over 25 years and dedicate four in-house development teams to continuously improve Redgate Monitor.  

Offers a community and support

With various information and training resources and a big community of database professionals, we’re there to empower you get the most out of monitoring your servers.  

We're here to help


Whether you want more details about Redgate Monitor, a demo, or to know about best practice – get in touch.

The industry standard tools for 25 years

Redgate has specialized in database software for 25 years. Our products are used by 804,000 IT professionals, in more than 100,000 companies.

World-class support

Redgate offers comprehensive documentation and a friendly, helpful support team. An average 87% of customers rate our support 'Excellent'.